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Table of Elements chart, Periodic table Symbol Chemical element Uranium Atomic number, Periodic Table of Elements, furniture, text png 800x475px 224.05KB.background material the chemical structure, black and blue honeycomb, texture, png Material png 1213x931px 187.12KB.Periodic table Chemistry Oxidation state Atom, periodic, chemical Element, angle png 3320x2197px 1.01MB.Periodic table Chemical element Atom Chemistry, table, periodic Table, chemical Element png 1713x924px 104.97KB.Electron shell Valence electron Boron Electron configuration, chemical Element, angle png 600圆00px 47.14KB.Neon Electron configuration Noble gas Valence electron Lewis structure, Tabla, chemical Element, angle png 2000x2000px 189.62KB.Periodic Table illustration, Periodic table Chemical element Chemistry Atomic number, Chemical Data, tshirt, furniture png 1046x598px 129.18KB.Hydrogen text, Hydrogen Chemical element Symbol Periodic table Chemical compound, element, angle, white png 1024x1024px 27.52KB.

How is the Periodic Table of Elements used? The table lists all the elements that are currently known (118), in descending order of the number of protons that are present, in a single atom of the element. The Periodic table of elements is a tool, developed by scientists over hundreds of years. List of all the elements and their properties: